Friday, July 8, 2011

For Ears - DNA in Music Prostitution 2

DNA in Music Prostitution is written for everyone, not only the music players.

It is increasingly important to train people how to listen to music, not only how to make music and perform music. I'm sure this skill, not only bring happiness, but also practically useful in judgement making.

Music always beyond words, as it is too honest once you lear to listen.

Perviously a few DNA in singing voice has been introduced. 

Handle Music Materials

Generally speaking, it is the way people handling a material, rather than what is the material,  tells more about the musician, or if he or she is prostituting.

The same material will be different in different composers, and exactly the same music will sound so different with different performers.

Sometimes, these difference is so misterious, but you can be informed , once you learn to listen carefully.

This music is mystrious, it may have applied some ideas from me, but the effect is beyond my expectation.

Frankly, what left in people's mind in the end , is still the bass, and the whole effect in the background.  Even though sheet can be stolen and people can be killed.

It's unique and valuable in the way, that how simple the repeat in in the bass, but it's so strange that one never get tired of it . It is mystriously, beyond my expectation, even it may borrow some of my ideas.

Now we also hear Tan always use this kind of repeats , even though he's using the same range of notes. You can hear what is missing. May I ask you what is missing exactly?

This is a tutorial material in imitation of Tan Dun by Jonah.

Difference between the allcpop and flanele

You can hear the abundance in simplicity, as it's mystry and hard to surpass, beyond Q & A.

Sa Ding Ding  dropped a view words to demonstrate her vision, she said " it is such yokel, and I can expect the rest when I hear the first note ". Well, it's truly time for her vision...

When you hear the difference , you can demonstrate my words " Rock is hard to be forfeited".

When you hear such difference, one may question what has made the difference. Well, let me shrug to you, what means rock if without burning fire, but only flesh with pleasure?

Then you will question where is the burning fire from? Then I may ask you why it has been lost?

And this is the basic question  of some's real inner breed ( not racial). Everyone's heart is a mirror of yourself. How can we teach after all, like mum and dad teach children everyday?

You see next when they want fire, they become immediately as honest as evil . Funny...

Another example is in the Deserter music, and this experince is very impressive to me.

You can hear the door knocking in this music, which I'd rather to make it heavier. Itself is an experince that I caught up in the library, and was informed of an unusual event. Not very long after that, we also heard Joan Sutherland passed away. Then I was eventually link everything together.

One day I heard this material was used again, was in a very light way by Mr Tan, it was almost with laugh. What makes the difference ? What would be possible response in such situation from a real composer? Is this possible for anyone in the same shoes feel light or happy? Unless he is a stealer himself that takes.  This is truly a serious moral questioning. The moment, so spontanous, but caught, and enough to make judgement. What is the value of over consciously organised words to fine judgement then?

I have to explain, how he's able to make a few composition based on my previous oriental topic. When I asked Jonah where he has been , I saw a sledge with all kinds of colourful Christmas gifts , and there was a little dog. Then I saw army is moving, a tank is trying to climb up a slope, but failed.

- he did not achieve it. It's done by Jonah.

It has tricked me, in the end, Jonah had to come to cry " don't forget me !" And "return my thing!" So then I asked him not to do this a second time as there will be wrong judgement. We have to listen to his style in general. There's something as light and colourful as oil on the surface of water, in fact very similar to Sa Ding Ding's style. It's not strange that they will be good match.

This contribution from Jonah is for a demonstration, but it's taught, that one must always have something to love and enjoy it, so that their heart will not depend on other's comments or agreement for happiness. Such emotional independence will bring fine/objective judgement.  So I sent him to do rocks and he did made a lot amusing tutorial material- a good hand !

Sex scenes in music

This sometimes seem to be a very challenging theme, to music/art prostitutes, as the line of the art will be very hard to draw for them. Either too much, or less. But never artistic.

There should not be boundary of material, even a prostitute theme can be artistically perfect. -Jonah has made some examples. But when artistically, it's just not satisfying, it's simply NOT good enough.

It's such a humour, that they can never advertise their prostitution in music.

From " halili hali "

Cathertine Jenkins Habanera

English Translation of Habanera

Love is a rebellious bird
that nobody can tame,
and you call him quite in vain
if it suits him not to come.
Nothing helps, neither threat nor prayer.
One man talks well, the other's mum;
it's the other one that I prefer.
He's silent but I like his looks.
Love! Love! Love! Love!
Love is a gypsy's child,
it has never, ever, known a law;
love me not, then I love you;
if I love you, you'd best beware! etc.
The bird you thought you had caught
beat its wings and flew away ...
love stays away, you wait and wait;
when least expected, there it is!
All around you, swift, so swift,
it comes, it goes, and then returns ...
you think you hold it fast, it flees
you think you're free, it holds you fast.
Love! Love! Love! Love!
Love is a gypsy's child,
it has never, ever, known a law;
love me not, then I love you;
if I love you, you'd best beware!

A most often sung opera music, compare to pop singers may sound well educated. Yet , compare to many of its other versions, it's rather dull, and you have such question of its sales record.  Now there's definitely an accounting explanation of it.

Sometimes, we found these scenes were not projected clear in their performance. They don't seem to be artistically dramatic enough to expose the true meaning . Such passiveness here, is mostly psycological,  but not artisitc . It's resistance from similarity in character rather than familarity. And when the clothes is over shining, - a mis-interpretation of Carmen.

A theory that musician needs lots sex to get inspiration, this is only a view of an outsider. You often see skilled kidney performer do often show off their capability in volume. But you find you are  no more than enjoying a very skillful circus program. " well, loud now!" Then " wow low now!"

Kidney music is like glass. They cannot hide - what's not in will never come out. Music is very honest, if you learn to listen.

Now the world promote all kinds of champions, through shortcuts. When they become judge, it's but limitation of art.

In the other hand, we see the world " ACACIA", means 金合欢, in Chinese, which suggest the sexual intercourse between two champions. Music is lost in the way beyond their own conscious , and their reputation will be in vain in front of mirrors of heart.

Why we should remind them , when they are fully pleased? And if we can make right judgement enought to protect ourselves why should we worry that much about their willing ruin? Do not worry, as the world will be always people like them. But DO HEAR THEM !!

Here, is a calculation with the method taught by the pearl of mum.  If nutrition is to be needed in making music, let's say eggs.  You see the workload of Mr Tan is at least 300 songs, for him to produce that yearly, - nearly a song a day , and the nutrition about an egg a day.If each egg is efficient enough to make a song for every intake. - Simply as frequent and habbitual as venting excrement ( a polite expression of shit , but what else you can call about shit then?) Be polite, but DO HEAR THEM!!

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