Monday, April 11, 2011

Music Composition Lock-in Ideas

Now let's we count what ideas we have collected so far for music with Lock-in programming

1> Jewish balance ,(choose materials and theme of such balance itself ) and restriction on registers, to avoid technical show-offs that easily achieved by divers. from me
2> choose vocal range - from me
3> Music theater character as tailor - from the dancer and Jonah
4> instrumental music , and take music as whole than solo dominance. -inspired from the dancer
5> choirs, women and man - from the dancer
6> varies ways to handle a solo, can be instrumental like or even ryhthm like. - new creation from me
7> Oriental theory - ( for people have background of oriental cutural only)- from sushi
8> Consideration on supportive structure - from constant learning and education and observation

Look, everytime I enthuastically praise Jonah, he will be shy and this is how his eyelid looks like. And as I need a picture for Rank Tempo, he provided me this work , look he's both proudly shy and somewhat worried from his past experince.

This is the second work provided by Jonah. I've seen him become my son, and I saw him growing up with a younger sister . The younger sister was accepted by me as she cried "mama don't abandone me" . But I worried about what she has done to Jonah, so when I asked Jonah , firstly he agreed very compassionately and understandingly. But I worried about what she will be doing to his new life. This time I saw Jonah grow, to 5 years old, 9 years old, he was like a very composed and understanding kid. Then an adult picture of him fully equiped like this little guy in the first line, but also let me thought of Amadeus.  He's like a warrior by my side, a hand to mum. It's funny how he created the image in the first roll. They are like boobs with aborigional boomarangs.

Recycle  (Updated 10 May)

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